Investor Relations

Ideally positioned for future growth

What characterises the FORTEC Group quantitatively:

  • Continuous and profitable growth
  • More than 35 years in the profit zone
  • Reliable dividend policy
  • Solid financing
  • Sustained positive share price development
  • Stable anchor shareholder

What characterises the FORTEC Group qualitatively:

  • Problem-solving expertise / successful combination of the product areas Display Technology and Power Supplies
  • Good positioning in attractive markets
  • Long-standen customer relations
  • New chances with IoT/Industry 4.0

Investor presentation Q3 FY 2023/2024


Dividend stock with sustainable growth opportunities

The FORTEC Group has been listed on the stock exchange since 1990. Today our shares have become an attractive investment, especially for investors with a longer-term focus. This is for several reasons:

  • FORTEC pursues a strategy for sustained growth
  • FORTEC has been in profit for a full 35 years
  • FORTEC reliably pays dividends
  • FORTEC is solidly financed
  • FORTEC is well positioned in attractive markets
  • FORTEC enjoys long-standing customer relationships
  • FORTEC is continuously expanding its solutions expertise
  • FORTEC is opening up new opportunities in IoT/Industry 4.0

Further information is available in our financial reports and the description of FORTEC Group’s strategy.

Steady payouts: 2020 AGM approves anniversary bonus

Long-term dividend trend